Festival Dionysia 2021

I was a Prop / Set Designer for the Festival Dionysia 2021, virtual theatre show, for three plays: Stowridge Radio, Ripe, and Fluorescent Lights. Most of my work was done through graphic design.


PLAYWRIGHT: Amelia Brooker
DIRECTOR: Christian Goodchild
GENRE: Horror

1. Collected newspaper cutouts with themes of hopelessness and distress.

2. Collected newspaper cutouts with themes of hopelessness and distress. Pinned to wall. Found headlines that can relate to events in the play.

3. Pinned to wall. Found headlines that can relate to events in the play. Initial idea for physical set decoration.


4. Concept for abstract virtual background based on director's comments.

5. Photographed collection and photoshopped (e.g., rename: The Stowridge Journal). Final idea for virtual/abstract set dec.


6. Final design. Box made for actor's screen.



PLAYWRIGHT: Tesolin Adams-Piccolo
DIRECTOR: Damon Bradley Jang
GENRE: Slice-of-Life/Comedy ??

1. Analysis for Ripe, character movement and how to design a space to show their movement (significant as they play The Floor is Lava). This is with the assumption that I would have to design each actor's (4x) physical space to recreate a living room.


2. Set decoration/design made with The Sims 4. Original photo taken in-game. Right side is based on actor's (character AMY) physical space.

3. 'Til -death- 2020 do us part" (set dec from script) added to wall.

4. 2x2 blocking by stage manager. Character placement suggested by me (based on initial analysis of character movement).

5. 2x2 blocking by stage manager, so I had to take photos from different angles to show where each character is relative to the others and the space. Bottom right screen is physically arranged (and the basis of the whole design) as the actor could not use virtual backgrounds.



PLAYWRIGHT: Natalie Grace Goossen
DIRECTOR: Kelsey John Torok
GENRE: Comedy/Romance ??

1. Simple, reiterated idea based on director's comments.

2. Chosen edited background (space with dingy vibes), borders around actor's screens based on fluorescent lighting.


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